Alba Landscapes - Customer testimonials

"I would have no hesitation in recommending Alba Landscapes to anyone requiring gardening or landscaping services. Graeme and his team have kept my garden pristine for 7 years now"

Mr Paterson, Newton Mearns.

Graeme and his employees are very approachable and helpful, I have been very satisfied with there service and reliability"

Miss Lottimer, Newton Mearns.

On all occasions work has been carried out to the highest standard and to my complete satisfaction.

Mr Mc Alpine, Managing Director, McAlpine & Co.

I find Graeme and the staff at Alba Landscapes, a pleasure to deal with. They always do a first class job.

Mrs Lough Eaglesham

Without doubt the best company I have had looking after my garden.

Mrs Tolmie, Newton Mearns

I highly recommend Alba Landscapes for the high standard of work carried out on a regular basis.

Sandy McIlwham, Managing Director, Corston Sinclair.

Alba Landscapes attended to the regular maintenance contracts diligently and efficiently at all time and importantly on a regular basis. We would highly recommend Alba Landscapes to any customer.